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Strange Adventures




This is a 14 x 17 piece for the coolest comic shop in Halifax, Strange Adventures. When I needed some comic pro sheets a month or so ago, they provided them to me in exchange for some original art featuring the store name. Here it is.

Now the fun part!

Across the top - Tintin and Snowy read Daredevil. Superman shows Lois an awesome comic, while Jimmy warns Supes of the dangers of not mylar-bagging. Cap enjoys some X-Factor. Supergirl and Powergirl reading Beasts of Burden. Green Lantern entartains Snoopy, Woodstock, Donald, Mickey, Clumsy, Brainy and Smurfette with a copy of Fables.

Down the left - Spidey reads some Ultimate Spidey with Mr Fantastic looking over his shoulder, and the Torch making mischief, much to Sue's protests. Gwen peacefully reads Shadoweyes. Hellboy, Thing and Hulk bond over Darkwing Duck, while Usagi Yojimbo relaxes with some explosions, and behind them Atomic Robo and Asterix catch Doctor Doom shoplifting.

Middle - Robin, Batgirl and Spider-Woman thrill to the exploits of the Savage Dragon. Archie, Betty and Veronica share a volume of Runaways, with Frankie making eyes at Ronnie while the Goon takes in some four colour goodness. Blue Beetle disapproves of Booster Gold colouring in the comics, while Cyclops, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, and Pheonix chill with their respective comics.

And at the right - Thorn reads the Wonderful Wizard of Oz to an enthralled Possum Kids and Bone (who has set down his copy of Moby Dick long enough to enjoy some real entertainment), Thor, Batman, Invincible, Batwoman, Nightcrawler, and a positively smitten Wolverine. Death appreciates the genius of the Muppet Show, and Ant-Man and the Wasp read over the shoulder of Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn, who are getting acquainted over the widely downloaded (and awesome) Underground, while Iron Man restocks.

Short Description - COMICS ARE AWESOME! ;)

(Also, I don't have time to colour it right now, but hopefully I will get around to it some day.)
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1200x944px 695.04 KB
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